


Define constants at the top of files so that you can easily find them and change them. This also makes your code more readable.


We want a higher score to be better, so the score is computed as BASE_SCORE minus the sum of each town's distance to the nearest hospital.

int BASE_SCORE = 160;



MapModel is responsible for maintaining state for the whole map.

class MapModel {

Instance variables


cell_models will be a 2d array of MapCellModels. Remember how MapView kept a 2d array of MapCellViews which did all the real work? We reuse the same pattern here.

  MapCellModel[][] cell_models;

A few integers keeping track of how many rows and columns there are in the map, and the number of hospitals allowed.

  int rows, cols, hospitals_allowed;



To create an instance of a MapModel, you must provide a 2d array of integers we'll call terrain (remember seeing that in hosptals.pde?), a 2d array of integers giving the coordinates of the towns, and the number of hospitals that should be allowed.

  MapModel(int[][] terrain, int[][] towns, int _hospitals_allowed) {

Save the integers for later.

    rows = terrain.length;
    cols = terrain[0].length;
    hospitals_allowed = _hospitals_allowed;

Create a new instance of a 2d array to hold one MapCellModel for each cell in the map. We could certainly have put them all into a 1d array, but we always look them up by (x, y) coordinates, so it makes more sense to store them this way.

    cell_models = new MapCellModel[rows][cols];

For each row...

    for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) {

for each column...

      for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {

Create a new instance of a MapCellModel using data from terrain.

        cell_models[j][i] = new MapCellModel(i, j, terrain[j][i]);

For each townIndex (a pair of (x, y) coordinates) in towns,

    for (int[] townIndex : towns) {

find the right MapCellModel and add a town.

       int i = townIndex[0];
       int j = townIndex[1];



Counts the hospitals on the map.

  int num_hospitals() {

Create a variable called count and set it to 0.

    int count = 0;

For each row of MapCellModels...

    for (MapCellModel[] cell_model_row : cell_models) {

for each MapCellModel...

       for (MapCellModel cell_model : cell_model_row) {

if it has a hospital, add 1 to count.

         if (cell_model.has_hospital) {
           count += 1;

Then return count.

    return count;



Returns the number of hospitals which may still be placed. This might seem so simple that it's not worth having a separate function, but anything you can do to reduce complexity outside the model is usually worth it.

  int hospitals_left() {
    return hospitals_allowed - num_hospitals();


Sums the distance for each cell containing a town. The goal of the game is to minimize this number.

  int town_distance_sum() {

Following the same pattern as num_hospitals, create a variable and set it to 0.

    float sum = 0;

For each row of MapCellModels...

    for (MapCellModel[] cell_model_row : cell_models) {

for each MapCellModel...

       for (MapCellModel cell_model : cell_model_row) {

if this cell has a town, add its distance (distance to the nearest hospital) to the sum.

         if (cell_model.has_town) {
           sum += cell_model.distance;

Then return sum.

    return round(sum);



Returns the score for the map's current configuration.

  int score() {
    return BASE_SCORE - town_distance_sum();



Warning: Advanced! Update each cell's distance, which is the distance to the nearest hospital. Conceptually, the algorithm is pretty simple: we can start at the hospitals and work our way outward. If we know how far it is from a hospital to a particular cell, then it's pretty easy to figure out how far it is to that cell's neighbors.

  void update_cell_distances() {

We will use three categories of cells: new cells are the ones we haven't seen yet, edge cells are the ones we're currently working on, and old cells are the ones we've already processed. Create an ArrayList (basically a resizable array) for each.

    ArrayList<MapCellModel> new_cells = new ArrayList<MapCellModel>();
    ArrayList<MapCellModel> edge_cells = new ArrayList<MapCellModel>();
    ArrayList<MapCellModel> old_cells = new ArrayList<MapCellModel>();

Start by putting all the cells with hospitals into edge_cells and assign them distances according to their terrain difficulty (so a hospital in the forest is harder to reach than a hospital on a field).

     for (MapCellModel[] cell_model_row : cell_models) {
       for (MapCellModel cell_model : cell_model_row) {
        if (cell_model.has_hospital) {
          cell_model.distance = cell_model.terrain_difficulty();

Put all cells without hospitals in new_cells.

        else {

Then, as long as there are any edge cells, repeatedly:

    while (!edge_cells.isEmpty()) {

select the edge cell with the lowest distance, remove it from edge_cells and add it to old_cells instead.

      int min_index = get_min_index(edge_cells);
      MapCellModel closest_edge_cell = edge_cells.remove(min_index);

Then get all its neighbors.

      ArrayList<MapCellModel> neighbors = get_neighbors(closest_edge_cell);

For each neighbor,

      for (MapCellModel neighbor : neighbors) {

if it's in new_cells, remove it from new_cells,

        if (new_cells.remove(neighbor)) {

add it to edge_cells,


and assign it a distance. The shortest possible path from a hospital to this neighbor is via closest_edge_cell, so its distance must be the closest_edge_cell.distance plus the neighbor's terrain difficulty. Note: This is not an obvious fact--it uses a famous result called Dijkstra's Algorithm.

          neighbor.distance = closest_edge_cell.distance + neighbor.terrain_difficulty();


Each of the helpers below is only used once. But they're stil worth breaking out into separate functions because update_cell_distances is already complex enough!




Go through a list of cell models and returns the index of the one with the lowest distance.

  int get_min_index(ArrayList<MapCellModel> cell_models) {

Create a variable called min_index and set it to 0. Until we see otherwise, the first element is the smallest.

    int min_index = 0;

For each MapCellModel in the ArrayList,

    for (int i = 0; i < cell_models.size(); i++) {

if its distance is less than the MapCellModel at position min_index,

      if (cell_models.get(i).distance < cell_models.get(min_index).distance) {

update min_index

         min_index = i;         

Return the index of the MapCellModel with the smallest distance.

    return min_index;



Given a MapCellModel, return a list of adjacent MapCellModels.

  ArrayList<MapCellModel> get_neighbors(MapCellModel model) {

Using the coordinates of this MapCellModel, construct an array containing the coordinates of all possible neighbors.

    int i = model.i;
    int j = model.j;
    int[][] neighborIndices = new int[][] {{i+1, j}, {i, j+1}, {i-1, j}, {i, j-1}};

Create an ArrayList called neighbors.

    ArrayList<MapCellModel> neighbors = new ArrayList<MapCellModel>();

For each neighborIndex,

    for (int[] neighborIndex : neighborIndices) {

if its coordinates are valid (within the map),

      int nI = neighborIndex[0];
      int nJ = neighborIndex[1];
      if ((nI >= 0) && (nI < rows) && nJ >= 0 && nJ < cols) {

add it to neighbors.


Finally, return neighbors.

    return neighbors;

Next up...


Whew! MapModel was definitely trickier, but we're past the worst of it. We have just two more classes to go over: MapCellView and MapCellModel, which implement the view and model for each map cell. It's not uncommon to have nested models and views, each taking care of one part of a larger application.


Following our outside-in pattern, let's move on to MapCellView.